1.  Defensively, you want to keep him between the tackles.

2.  Dennis T. Avery wants organic food to go away.

3.  Denny Fercho, a U.S. Olympian from Ventura County, wants to render that slogan obsolete.

4.  Denver airport officials want other carriers to provide the service.

5.  Deficit hawks on Capitol Hill, though, want the money to reduce the federal deficit.

6.  Cuban wants results.

7.  CuJo just wants back in the game.

8.  Dekas wants the Coach's Edge to add player's jersey numbers to the dots, instead of the numbers 1 through 5.

9.  Delaney, a University of Washington oceanographer, wants to build a huge undersea observatory _ hundreds of miles in size _ deep down off the Pacific Northwest coast.

10.  Delaware wants to hold its primary four days after New Hampshire.

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