61.  Despite losing the seat he has held for nine years Mr Lee managed to increase the Tory vote.

62.  Do campaign gifts swing votes?

63.  Do you think she has enough votes to win the nomination?

64.  Dole faces an uphill battle in the state-by-state electoral vote battle.

65.  Dole has repeatedly tried to avoid giving Democrats the opportunity for a straight vote on the wage.

66.  During the general election the doggie vote could hold the balance of power.

67.  Election votes in many states and localities overwhelmingly show it.

68.  Equally ironic was the fact that four years earlier Johnson had won the biggest percentage of the popular vote in modern history.

69.  Every move requires a person to take the time and fight the hassle to register to vote.

70.  Extraordinary action was required to get the amendment to the floor for a vote.

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