1.  It differed from what I used to think.

2.  Oh, hopefully she was as enthusiastic as I used to think.

3.  Many people use the subway and the station is near the city center.

4.  So you can imagine how many people use the subway in the rush hour.

5.  I understand them all, but the question is that almost all the teachers use these three surely-win methods.

6.  That way, the leaflets could be used for the second time and the campus could be more environmental-friendly.

7.  There are another campus-standards used by people to make incorrect judgments.

8.  One spends most of his time on studying, while the other on online games; one gets used to going to bed early while the other enjoys staying up all night watching movies; one likes reading alone while the other always calls friends for poker game-and so on.

9.  Some merely used eye contact to convey their feelings, amazement or doubt or admiration or- Still some watched her with stilled blankness-\

10.  Now the campus is used as a public relaxing area and full of joy.

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