61.  Definitely, this loss is hard to take.

62.  Definitive proof of this came to light in Phoenix this month, when radio host John Dayl decided to comment on a gang rape that occurred in the city.

63.  Defoe romanticized this true life event as "The Life and Strange and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe."

64.  Defying all rules of visual appeal for a meal, this dinner has only two colors _ green and white.

65.  Defying odds, the storm that struck this city Tuesday night caused one death and one injury from hail.

66.  Cuba is doing quite well in its economy so far this year and the flow of foreign investment into the country has not stopped.

67.  Cuba is still "communist," whatever that means these days.

68.  Cuba, gold medalist in 1992 and favored again this summer, will train in Albany before the Games.

69.  Cuban doctors say some of the problems these children have clearly stem from inadequate nutrition and hygiene and from stress.

70.  Cuban emigres often roll the cigars made these countries, Chase said.

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