41.  Any purchases made this month by insiders do not have to be reported until June 10.

42.  Any questions about where the emphasis might lie in this preseason?

43.  Dennis said the Seattle-based airplane maker would see strong orders again this year, though he declined to be specific.

44.  Denny Marcin, coach of the team's defensive linemen, has noticed enough to offer this scouting report: "He's a tough kid.

45.  Densely packed with nuts, this cake puts the contents of a mixed-nut bowl to good use.

46.  Denser settlements may be the right thing to do, but if they're too expensive for most working-class families, this compromises the solution.

47.  Dentists have learned to play on this vanity and anxiety, encouraging dental care that is medically unnecessary but attractive to patients.

48.  Dentists, who spend the day working inside people's mouths, also fall into this group.

49.  Denton thinks all this smells of opportunity.

50.  DENVER -- May 4, 1995 -- DENVER-ARCHITECTURE-2, 5-4 -- What is this sudden outburst of innocence on the Denver skyline?

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