71.  A few varieties of supple-stemmed rambler are just as suitable for this purpose, covering many square yards once they become established.

72.  A few weeks before this same figure had been seen kicking a football with Romario.

73.  A few white pines and some hemlocks grow along the top and the sides of this esker.

74.  A final factor contributes to the low income of garbage pickers and this relates to their involvement in the international economy.

75.  A final meal and prizegiving, in this attractive village, leaving late evening for a cool night journey to the airport.

76.  A final tally will come later this month when the telecommunications giant reports its fourth-quarter results.

77.  A fine example of this type of abbey church is that at L?

78.  A fine farmhouse tea awaits those who complete this medium paced walk in the unique Cheviot landscape of Northumberland.

79.  A fitness test this morning will Decide which of the two starts.

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