81.  I ran with the girls of our class, when I ran arround the second ring , I begun to feel tied, but there was three left, I did not give up, when I ran arround the forth ring, I felt very tied, and my leg was very heavy, then I said to myself , there's only one left, I must insist, must go to the end, I encourage myself to the end .

82.  .I can ran insist to the end, I felt so happy.

83.  The day before yesterday, we have the Shao Nan Shao Numagazine .

84.  I like the best is "Love you, mother ", it said a girls has done when her mother was Ill.

85.  The girl's mother couldn't look after her, but the girl ed after her mother and love her, it help her keep out the ill .

86.  Then the girl telled everybody: "when your mother was ill, you would even love her".

87.  Today I see the "Guangzhou newspaper".

88.  And last year he was died from car, then the people knew e was "Jin Shui".

89.  Today I have seen the "GuangZhou Newspaper".

90.  The newspaper is very interesting.

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