31.  Any political media event that involves use of props.

32.  Any posting that has been ignored for three minutes automatically disappears from the computer system.

33.  Any president deserves a little privacy and respite from the fishbowl that is the White House.

34.  Any privilege that may exist, the judge concluded after reviewing Starr's case in camera, is trumped by the independent prosecutor's need for the evidence.

35.  Denman was one of the racing personalities who fought for 1992 rule changes that gave California the nation's toughest prohibitions on abusive whipping.

36.  Dennis cares so much about bringing success that he takes it very hard when McLaren does not win.

37.  Dennis Conner has become an international celebrity for his ability to win the 20-mile races that make up sailing's America's Cup.

38.  Dennis Erickson is headed in the right direction, there's no question about that."

39.  Dennis has done something that people just don't know about.

40.  Dennis Hayes, founder of the company that bears his name, becomes chairman of the merged firm.

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