91.  A solid body that reaches the ground intact is called a meteorite.

92.  A son of the great religious leader I think it was-he discovered that place where the cannery was.

93.  A special prosecutor was appointed to deal with that particular case.

94.  A storm rages that night, bringing heavy winds and choppy seas.

95.  A straight fight between John Smith and Bryan Gould will never be able to generate that level of fall-out.

96.  A string of female rulers, from Boudicca to Margaret Thatcher, gives the lie to that idea.

97.  A survey of US households found evidence of malnutrition in those persons with the lowest incomes.

98.  A talent scout heard him sing - actually it was at that performance at the Hall.

99.  A tall hedge would be just the job for that side of the garden.

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