1.  A basic example occurs in an electron beam - so important in television and radio.

2.  A black leather swivel chair was angled to face in the direction of the television.

3.  A cloud of cigarette smoke hangs over the group, slowly wafting over the television set and out through the open window.

4.  A college football association is charged with conspiring to limit the number of college games that football fans can see on television.

5.  A considerable number of events are staged to attract television cameras.

6.  A directive which comes into force next year will set rules on television advertising across frontiers.

7.  A few minutes of television time was so precious.

8.  A handset would contain an ultrasonic transmitter and the television fitted with a matching receiver.

9.  A man suffering from amnesia was identified by his sister, who saw his picture on television.

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