71.  Admittedly, they went to North Carolina as a fractious team with too many cliques.

72.  After an initial round of proposals, the Navy selected three teams of contractors to develop the concept to a preliminary design.

73.  After debate the team concluded that they had to grin and bear it rather than descend into paranoia.

74.  After discussing several alternatives, the team reaches consensus on a plan of action.

75.  After his team won, the press lavished him with praise.

76.  After patients supply their medical records, a company medical team contacts their physicians for any required information not in the records.

77.  After the earthquake, the Red Cross sent in medical teams from around the world.

78.  After the meeting, team members felt cautiously optimistic.

79.  After the stories that circulate about Civil Service chicanery, I can attest to the professionalism of my team.

80.  After the violence on the field, the manager lectured the team about acceptable standards of behaviour.

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