71.  So they are the same system of knowledge .

72.  But the system of law is something different, especially lawers and a jury .

73.  Such as the customs of the foreign country, the civilizations, the education, the medication system, and so on.

74.  Such as the customs of the foreign country, the civilizations, the education, the medication system, and so on.

75.  n a library with computer system, when you want to find a book , you needn't find a guided car or hold it to find the book what you need one bookcase by another .

76.  Because the tax system in China is different from the U. S tax system .

77.  Then we can know their respective customes and viewpoints under different political systems.

78.  Though our country has developed by reaps and bounds, we still can't keep up with the Western countries in some aspects, such as management system, science and education system.

79.  At present, euthanasia is being practised throughout the world and many countries, like Norway and Germany, have established legal systems to deal with it.

80.  Therefore, we should establish legal systems to cope with it less that somebody should misuse it .

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