1.  Sexburga, entered this monastery after the death of her husband, King Erconbert, and later succeeded her sister as abbess.

2.  Yildirim Akbulut succeeded zal as Prime Minister.

3.  The other important non-Cabinet change was the appointment of Rhee Hai Won, a former Cabinet Minister, to succeed Park Seh Jik as mayor of Seoul.

4.  Sejdo Bajramovic was appointed to succeed Sapunziju as the representative for Kosovo.

5.  The chief architect of the document was vice chairman Makoto Tanabe, who was widely tipped to succeed Doi as leader.

6.  Odete Ferreira, a commission member, succeeded Caetano as head.

7.  And he said he believed the Sox job should go to Harper, who eventually succeeded McRae as Expos batting coach.

8.  And McGreevey Monday received the endorsement of Glenn Cunningham, a Democrat who succeeded Schundler as mayor of Jersey City this year.

9.  And Koh Sakata, executive vice president, will succeed Fitzgerald as president and add the new position of chief creative officer.

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