1.  As a result, many Williams students say they need Factrak to learn and share unvarnished opinions about their professors.

2.  Current Antioch students say racial relations are generally cordial, although they admit to segregating themselves at lunch.

3.  Despite claims by Lehman's administrators, some Lehman students said that the bad blood between the Albanians and the others continues to run just beneath the surface.

4.  Despite their growing visibility, gay students say the transition to business school can be difficult.

5.  Despite the long odds against overturning Suharto, many students here said on Thursday morning that they were always confident their movement would succeed.

6.  Despite criticism of the sex-battling assemblies, many McClintock students said negative reactions to the 2,000-student pep rally are out of proportion.

7.  Drew Golden went to school, but, several other students said, a little after midday, he raised his hand and asked to go to the bathroom.

8.  Despite their dedication and talent, most students say they do not plan to pursue music careers, Blevins said.

9.  During the meeting, several students said, he also termed a mixed race student at the school a "mistake" by her parents.

10.  During exam week, another student said, the demand for Ritalin increases and 20-milligram pills sell for $5.

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