1.  As a class project -- a way to assuage grief -- the students are writing letters to Selena's family.

2.  Despite a culture of tolerance at colleges, there are many students who don't want to risk leaking their nontraditional beliefs to their parents or friends.

3.  Democrats believe Senate Republicans wanted this year's test to go forward, knowing students may be unprepared and the results would embarrass Gov. Gray Davis.

4.  Despite the brass and the evening clothes, it was clear that the students were already in the job.

5.  Despite the cutbacks, Pease believes that more high school students are interested in the quality and job security an academy education provides.

6.  Despite their different approaches, the three share success: their students are among the highest-performing in the state.

7.  DAYTON, Ohio _ A Vandalia-Butler High School student may be the Dear Abby of the World Wide Web.

8.  Disturbances broke out on a half-dozen campuses last spring, at least partly because students were frustrated with alcohol crackdowns.

9.  Degree or no degree, Platt said, "we think our students will be the prime candidates in the world when they leave."

10.  Dooley is used all the time as an ideal of what Notre Dame students are about.

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