1.  Slow all-or-none events (40 mV, 55 ms) ??

2.  Tetraethylammonium (TEA; 15 mM) unmasked slow all-or-none events (40??

3.  In contrast, mineralization of 500 ppm 2,4-D by the two A. eutrophus strains was very slow whereas mineralization by P. cepacia DBO1 was more rapid.

4.  It is demonstrated that nucleation is possible only during slow subcritical crack growth.

5.  The slow recovery of vacuum-minedpeatlands compared to block-cut sites isprobably related to intense drainagenecessary for the use of tractor-drawnvacuum machines.

6.  In particular, false hatching cues (rainfall) increased mortality among embryos with very fast and very slow development rates.

7.  3. The Severn at Ironbridge is fairly swift, and shallow, turbulent rapids (A, C and E on Fig. 1) alternate with slower, deeper reaches.

8.  In conclusion, an outline of the asymptotic behavior of FPT densities is provided, which is particularly useful to discuss neuronal firing under certain slow activity conditions.

9.  This model consists of a linear hyperbolic system of PDEs, which is nonlinearly coupled with a slow subsystem of ODEs.

10.  It seems that, upon oxygen shortage, a rapid destruction of the itaconic-acid-producing mechanism takes place, which is restored only aerobically in a slow process involving protein synthesis.

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