1.  Matthew shook his head from side to side.

2.  A baboon shrieked on the far side of the pavilion.

3.  A barn was attached on the left side and the whole place stood in the centre of a stone courtyard.

4.  A big truck had turned over on its side, and it was blocking the road.

5.  A breeze blows the white curtains in on either side of her, two ghostly arms embracing her.

6.  A cloistered walkway bordered the courtyard on three sides, arches supported by white pillars, on each pillar a lamp.

7.  A compromise must be found which will allow both sides in the dispute to save face.

8.  A couple of punks on the far side, also waiting to cross, were pointing at the oblivious Slater and laughing.

9.  A cube has six sides.

10.  A Decidedly negative verdict in the financial Markets or the polls could bring the two sides back to the table.

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