41.  Detectives from the precinct conducted an investigation, interviewing the girls, who were not identified because they were reportedly victims of sex crimes.

42.  Detectives say that, in part because of the heat, sex predators cruise the Valley buses looking for young females wearing loose-fitting clothes.

43.  Despite all the lipstick she smeared on, Ms. McBride said, she grew so scrawny that dealers refused to have sex with her.

44.  DeVivo said he was barred by law from questioning jurors concerning their sex, income level and race or ethnicity.

45.  Devoted more to postponing sex than explaining it, the program is a pioneer for South America.

46.  Dexter is a typical teenager, a know-it-all who is concerned with the opposite sex, his image and having a good time.

47.  Dan Richey remembers a time not so long ago when abstinence was seen as hopelessly unrealistic, an old-fashioned value with no place in modern sex education.

48.  Despite his reputation for piety, Carter has an Updikian predilection for bodily functions and sex.

49.  Dance, like sex, was marginally allowable as a duty, a way of maintaining a healthy body.

50.  Dancer's lawyer: 'The sex was legal'

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