31.  When Jennifer, who lives in Pasadena, Calif. , wants to send an E-mail message from her home computer to her mother in Washington, D. C. , she uses a local Internet service provider (ISP) such as EarthLink Network Inc. (ELNK).

32.  When the government privatized the NSFNET in 1995, companies such as MCI, UUNET Technologies (now owned by WorldCom), BBN (now owned by GTE), and PSINet stepped into the breach by setting up commercial Internet backbone services.

33.  For much of the service, restaurant, hotel and construction sectors, immigrant labor has become essential.

34.  At the same time, most women do work in service industry such as waitress.

35.  Offering Ipad, Iphone into service, he is the founder of Apple and he created the touch screen which has turned out to be so popular.

36.  And women mostly take service work, such as teaching, nursing, babysitting, which need more patience.

37.  By 2014, the number is expected to hit 550, 000 to 600, 000, " said Sang Peng, director of the Beijing Overseas-Study Service Association.

38.  They may either be attracted by the superior medical care and social welfare service or they want to creative a better growing-up environment for their next generation.

39.  Owing to the new trend, companies providing information and services for students have sprung up in recent years.

40.  By 2014, the number is expected to hit 550, 000 to 600, 000, " said Sang Peng, director of the Beijing Overseas-Study Service Association.

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