1.  Any product with stronger encryption could not be sold abroad.

2.  Deputy Mayor Peter J. Powers said many opponents mistakenly believe that selling a hospital is the equivalent of closing it.

3.  DENISON-COLUMN (Undated) _ New technical ideas that are just over the horizon have gotten harder to sell.

4.  Denki Kagaku Kogyo Co., a chemicals and cement company, sold 10 billion yen in 2 percent four-year bonds with DKB Securities Co.

5.  Dennis Carlson sold his first wheat, grown on a field borrowed from his parents, in 1975, when he was 14 years old.

6.  Dennis Green, the Minnesota Vikings coach, made some of his owners livid with his remarks in his new book about forcing them to sell him the team.

7.  Dennis Mannion, the Phillies' vice president of marketing, said: "At this time last year we were selling 100,000 tickets a week.

8.  Dennis said that the tesobonos did not sell because the interest rate was too low.

9.  Dentist and former lending company owner in 1994 sold holdings in Linder Financial Corporation for at least $1 million; also has IRA and real estate properties.

10.  Denver had to sell its bonds at yields higher than comparable insured revenue bonds because of lingering concern about the airport's finances.

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