1.  FPL officials said customers are pumping up air conditioning units and putting a noticeable but manageable strain on their demand.

2.  Gellert said pilots are trained to bank a commercial jetliner about 30 degree before making an emergency descent.

3.  He said Asian Americans are still reluctant to report crimes and shy away from labeling incidents as potentially racially motivated.

4.  He said girls are generally not interested in math and science, and that is why they don't do as well as boys.

5.  He said workers are trained to be culturally sensitive if they do talk about such subjects as religion.

6.  However, pro-life groups say scientists are "meddling in human evolution" and that the technique could be used to select qualities such as intelligence and sporting prowess.

7.  However, Arguijo said residents are asked to voluntarily conserve water to prevent problems during the summer.

8.  In other matters Wednesday, Garcetti said prosecutors are "very close to resolving" the investigation into allegations of child molestation against singer Michael Jackson.

9.  Israeli officials, under pressure to respond to the gruesome video, expressed their sorrow and said the are investigating the incident.

10.  Los Angeles Police Department Detective Don Hrycyk said police are concerned Bermeo still has property he stole while working in the UCLA Library's special collections division.

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