1.  Although in the past, Martin Creek Lake State Park has offered boat rentals, that service is temporarily unavailable due to some changes being made, Townsend said.

2.  Deford: "So you're saying the word 'movement' is the equivalent of organization?"

3.  Dery put it differently: "It's an idea that's outlived its usefulness," he said.

4.  Depressing choices, you say?

5.  Dell prospered during the traditionally weak summer season, analysts said, with revenue surging more than 60 percent to about $2.7 billion IN THE QUARTER?.

6.  Despite Clinton's victory in Arizona, "this is a Republican state," said Jerrold Rusk, a political science professor at the University of Arizona.

7.  Despite some problems with the government's monitoring, Brown said most Medicare HMO beneficiaries are pleased with their membership.

8.  Did anyone say "Los Angeles Clippers"?

9.  Did anyone say camping?

10.  Did anyone say dot-coms?

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