1.  As blamelessly and suddenly as, say, a cat falling on your head while you're lying in bed at night.

2.  Definitely, say the Israelis, led by the Jerusalem mayor, Ehud Olmert.

3.  Democratic consultant James Carville turned a wicked grin toward Republican Party chairman Haley Barbour and began his taunting: "Just say the words.

4.  Despite denials from company officials, Apple Computer and Sun Microsystems are indeed talking about merging, say sources close to both companies.

5.  Despite widespread speculation in London that he left to rejoin a partner in the United States, there is no partner, people close to him say.

6.  Day Three: Say hello to Happy Joe Lieberman, whose old man sold bakery rolls and later liquor, and his 85-year-old mom.

7.  Directions for their assignments were simple: "Do whatever," said Chrysler's chief designer, Neil Walling.

8.  Let's just say that I avoided pouring much aluminum after lunch.

9.  Do not say "a day shall come"

10.  Do not say it is as absurd as a radio announcer broadcasting in sans serif type.

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