11.  A fixed number of tickets will be on sale the day of the show.

12.  A good estate agent will know the best ways to publicize the fact that your home is for sale.

13.  A group of senior Spencer Stuart consultants raised with him the possibility of a sale to the consulting staff instead.

14.  A little man called Maurice Tarn was the auctioneer, and the sale was held in the fields alongside the Strathmore Arms.

15.  A local council can spend more than its total guideline if it finances more from sales than the government assumes.

16.  A portion of each sale goes to the Wright foundation, which funds conservation and education programs.

17.  A range of official Disney merchandise was on sale.

18.  A rearguard action is being fought against the sale of the land for business development.

19.  A sale is being held to raise funds for the school.

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