1.  For centers lacking experienced staff we suggest reserving this technique for patients with rapid clotting of the extracorporeal circuit if treated without anticoagulation.

2.  The specifically histological method should be reserved only for special cases.

3.  Catheterization should be reserved for cases in which noninvasive evaluations are equivocal, conflictory, demonstrate deterioration, or needed for intervention.

4.  Neonatal radiofrequency catheter ablation has typically been reserved for life-threatening, drug-refractory cases due to the unique concerns regarding patient size and development.

5.  In this second process, the white fraction is reserved for humans and the green LPC for animals.

6.  The major advantage of IPCR is that two gene-specific primers arc reserved for specific and efficient amplification of the unknown cDNA ends on the basis of a small stretch of known sequence.

7.  Given the lack of prognostic data, the use of systemic corticosteroids should be reserved for severe cases when dietary elimination or topical steroids are ineffective.

8.  In addition, this region has enormous resources for residual industrial and promising oil and gas reserves [1].

9.  The hypothesis that such inhibition results from interference with gibberellin-stimulated food reserve metabolism in germinating seedlings was tested, using barley and wheat in bioassays.

10.  We suggest that in order to reduce cost, an ANA profile should not be performed on all patients with positive ANA, but reserved for those with an ANA titre of ??

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