61.  Police spokesman Inspector Sherman Ackerson said prostitutes who report crimes will not be arrested for prostitution.

62.  People are even less likely to report a crime when the accused is a friend, spouse or child, Silber said.

63.  Previously, some victims had complained that they were pressured not to report crimes.

64.  Rather than report the crime to the police, Charlie leaves the scene and gets drunk.

65.  Qazwii reported hate crimes to local law enforcement officials and has asked their advice on how to better protect the mosque.

66.  Right now, Kitada said, California law gives financial institutions absolute protection from liability if they report a suspected crime, including elder financial abuse.

67.  Safir said a major hurdle in prosecuting this kind of credit card fraud was that neither victims nor banks readily reported the crime.

68.  Reporting a crime takes patience and understanding, Thiele says.

69.  Reporting the crime can cause friends and family members to criticize their desire for independence.

70.  She also said she did not report the crime because she was afraid of Graham, whom she described as obsessed with guns, violence and sex.

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