41.  A report by the Royal College of Physicians of London concluded that studies of clinical ecologists were seriously flawed.

42.  A report is awaited on the entire electrical circuit and plans to improve sound amplification are in hand.

43.  A report is sent to the district attorney, who then Decides whether to pursue his own inquiry.

44.  A report on state television said all the victims were believed to have died from suffocation.

45.  A report published by the government has revealed the extent of air pollution in the area.

46.  A report showing falling business confidence lifted hopes that slowing economic growth will prompt the Bundesbank to cut rates soon.

47.  A report was made by a special parliamentary commission.

48.  A separate report on social issues, by the Labatt Anderson consulting firm, is expected to be issued later this year.

49.  A spokesman for Mr Berlusconi Declined to confirm or deny the reports.

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