1.  A Bill will be introduced to replace private legislation as the means for authorising transport development schemes.

2.  In psychiatric research and theory, self-knowledge could eventually replace objectivity as the basis for understanding.

3.  New York and Los Angeles have arguably replaced Paris as the crucible of new artistic culture.

4.  ...the city lawyer who replaced Bob as chairman of the company.

5.  Josip Manolic was elected to replace Mesic as President of the Croatian government.

6.  B. K. Akafia was appointed to replace Mensah-Wood as army commander and Capt. Tom Annan succeded Rear-Adml.

7.  Choummali Saignakong, who had been promoted from alternate to full politburo membership at the fifth congress, replaced Khamtay as Minister of National Defence.

8.  Chen Jinhua replaced Li Peng as Minister in charge of the State Commission for Restructuring the Economy in September.

9.  But the Romans were never to replace the Greeks as artists.

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