1.  A Capuchin religious procession passed by.

2.  A conventional conflict thesis can also conceal vital distinctions between different religious traditions and between liberal and conservative representatives of those traditions.

3.  A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.

4.  A fundamental issue was whether religious authority was ultimately vested in an ecclesiastical succession or in the Bible alone.

5.  A more logical reason for his drowning is religious and political differences.

6.  A punctilious attention to prayers and strict religious observance would win their indulgence.

7.  A religious group called the Legion of Mary went from door to door to collect these portions.

8.  A religious group rents the premises on weekends.

9.  A religious group that could effectively weed out offensive people, the Friends found slave owners sufficiently inoffensive.

10.  A religious pilgrimage ended with three men being stabbed in a gang fight on a beach.

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