51.  Cut back on the opportunity to become famous for dastardly acts, he said, and crime might be reduced.

52.  Cut down on unwanted foreigners, the argument went, and you will reduce crime.

53.  Despite this statistic, Hammer said gun control laws are not an effective means of reducing crime.

54.  Each state, they say, best knows its own problems and how best to use the money to reduce crime.

55.  Experts are sharply divided on whether the legislation has reduced violent crime.

56.  For one thing, Posner is the highest-ranking judge to publicly advocate marijuana legalization as a way of reducing crime.

57.  For the same reason, she says, the first priority of black leaders should be to reduce black crime.

58.  Furthermore, manufacturers argue that cities like Boston have demonstrated success in reducing crime without antigun measures, rendering their arguments useless.

59.  Giuliani noted that he had begun an incentive program for individual officers who do a good job in reducing crime and whose precinct commanders recommend them for extra pay.

60.  Giuliani, who said he invited the prime minister to police headquarters to see how his administration has reduced crime, also paid his friend the ultimate political compliment.

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