1.  Commander Ken Cameron and pilot Jim Halsell planned to fire shuttle thrusters forcefully enough to raise the ship, engaging compatible latches on the module and airlock.

2.  Eight months after the accident, the Navy succeeded in partly raising the ship in one of the most difficult and expensive recovery operations ever undertaken.

3.  Some companies are realizing that the rising tide of e-commerce did not in fact raise their ships.

4.  The authorities said they had not determined whether they would try to raise the ship or recover the many bodies believed still aboard.

5.  The ship was raised but never served again.

6.  The team will not attempt to raise the ships themselves.

7.  But Tokyo says it wants to raise the ship to determine which country to confront.

8.  Coast Guard Petty Officer Ken Stierley said the search for the missing was suspended Tuesday night, and efforts to raise the ship were to begin Wednesday.

9.  Families of the nine people missing and presumed dead have demanded the ship be raised as soon as possible.

10.  Families and friends of the missing urged officials in a closed two-hour briefing to begin the task of raising the ship from the ocean floor.

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