81.  They can also cause rates to rise in Argentina, where the peso currency is pegged to the dollar, making it more expensive for companies to raise financing.

82.  This is believed to be the first time that this question has been raised regarding Jager.

83.  This is the question Pop Art raised regarding modern American taste.

84.  This pair raise backstabbing to a whole new level.

85.  U.S. bonds fell as a private report on retail sales suggested consumer demand remains robust, raising concern the Federal Reserve could raise borrowing rates to slow growth.

86.  Unable to boost earnings, the company was hard pressed to raise financing to pay down mounting debt and make more acquisitions.

87.  Unibanka officials said the bank wants to sell shares abroad because the small size of the Latvian market makes it difficult to raise funding at home for expansion.

88.  When the economy soured last spring, Pataki refused to raise spending beyond what he had proposed in January.

89.  When the Rockets acquired Clyde Drexler at midseason, Maxwell made it his mission to raise pouting to an art form.

90.  Whitehead recently teamed up with actor Paul Newman and about three dozen corporate executives to press companies to raise their giving.

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