1.  Own stocks that raise dividends regularly.

2.  The imperative was to raise dividends.

3.  To cope with inflation, buy stocks of companies that annually raise your dividends substantially.

4.  American companies raised dividends at a rapid rate last year, but the increases did not come quickly enough to keep up with share prices.

5.  Analysts say the move will put more pressure on Ford Motor to raise its dividend.

6.  As a result, both Fortis Amev and Fortis AG raised their dividends.

7.  A company with excess cash flow can raise dividends and survive tough times without being forced to borrow or sell assets.

8.  A.G. Edwards Inc. said it split its stock and raised its dividend, the second regional broker to do so this week.

9.  Brown said he expects Scotiabank to raise its dividend and split its shares within the next several months.

10.  But it just raised its dividend.

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