51.  All this must have raised in the laity ambivalent feelings.

52.  All this raises the question of why the Reagan administration wants to quit the business of satellites in the first place.

53.  Almost all household chores and the raising of children is left up to the wife.

54.  Alongside a programme of raising skill levels is the need to dovetail an investment programme.

55.  Also, of course, a trust is at liberty to raise new capital by an issue of additional ordinary or debenture shares.

56.  Alternating child-care responsibility is a far cry from asking a woman to postpone her career to raise her children.

57.  Although people occasionally discussed questions of local autonomy in private, they rarely raised them, even obliquely, in public.

58.  Among other things, this raises the income limits for deducting contributions by a taxpayer with a pension plan.

59.  Among the intelligentsia, hardly a voice was raised in its defence, with the exception of a few university teachers of Marxism-Leninism.

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