1.  The anti-American protests have increased since early March when a U.S. fighter jet with engine trouble dropped six bombs on the range.

2.  Protests are increasing as many Croats become are increasingly angry over withgrowing economic hardships, high unemployment and low salaries.

3.  He did, however, leave open the possibility that Pepsi could change its mind if protests increased significantly.

4.  In Belgrade, the top banker of Serb-led Yugoslavia warned protests could increase unless the economy is injected with foreign capital.

5.  Protests have increased as the date of the change neared, and more were expected Wednesday when Pinochet was to be sworn in in Valparaiso, site of Congress.

6.  Sporadic protests have been increasing since then.

7.  Some fear protests will increase in coming weeks.

8.  The protests increased Tuesday because of a price rise for gas and oil that took effect Wednesday.

9.  Opposition members said that protests have increased lately at the university and at secondary schools.

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