1.  A bilingual poster advertising motor cars for private hire.

2.  A Bill will be introduced to replace private legislation as the means for authorising transport development schemes.

3.  A characteristic of human verbal expression of pain is that it contains a mixture of private suffering and public display.

4.  A favourite haunt of telly aristocracy is Ilha de Caras-the Island of Faces-a private isle for celebrities.

5.  A gang of workmen put a fence up across the private lane leading to the house in Beaconsfield.

6.  A gate leads to a private beach.

7.  A good place for private parties.

8.  A key issue to emerge from the game was the role of private satellite companies.

9.  A large number of private care agency customers are elderly or disabled people who are not social services clients.

10.  A legal scholar of considerable merit, he was a very private man, difficult to get to know and to describe.

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