1.  As a businessmen, he thought it was inevitable and necessary.

2.  As a child growing up in the 1940s, Carlos Emilio Lamas always thought his grandfather's 12,000-acre estate on the Pampas was a magical place.

3.  As a child, columnist Akilah Monifa thought a "white Christmas" was really for whites only.

4.  As a composer, I think one of the sicknesses of our age is obsession with the past.

5.  Despite all the change occuring in the classroom, a number of educators think that the state and federal governments should be doing more.

6.  Despite assurances from IOC officials, few on Upton's panel think the IOC will clean up its act without a vigilant Congress overseeing the process.

7.  Despite employees' hopes and executives' statements, few analysts think Sprint is prepared to go it alone in the future.

8.  Despite healthy prospects for the on-line market for women, Ms. Bronson thinks it is unlikely that iVillage can keep doubling revenues annually.

9.  Despite all those great aspects, I think his mind is his greatest asset."

10.  Despite Saturday's loss, Lukas thinks Tabasco Cat still has a shot at taking Horse of the Year honors.

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