1.  But his main ploy was to portray Weld as a friend of the rich eager to reduce educational opportunities for ordinary citizens.

2.  Many fairy tales portray women as victims.

3.  Some portray the family as unwitting dupes of conspiracy theorists.

4.  The effort to portray Stern as a prince is relentless.

5.  The first is that it will be harder for the Tories to portray Labour as a party gripped by extremism.

6.  The party try to portray the prime minister as a man of the people.

7.  The recommendation was a surprise because census officials previously have portrayed adjustment as a solution to chronic undercounts.

8.  Thomas portrays Bobby as a man of paradoxes.

9.  We are all given T-shirts that portray Erap as a crocodile, gobbling money.

10.  Fairy tales that typically portray stepmothers as viragoes.

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