1.  Cultural differences also play a role in how countries are approaching the critical period from Dec. 31 to Jan. 2.

2.  Delisi also denied that politics played any role in the attorney general's investigation.

3.  Demagogic special-interest lobbying and cynical Republican obstructionism designed by Bob Dole in the Senate and Newt Gingrich in the House played a role in the final stall.

4.  Demand from short sellers can play a role in stocks being on special.

5.  Cusella: "With greater emphasis on work teams, if value is placed more on new ideas, then what role does clarification play?"

6.  Democratic officials said the low voter turnout and McGreevey's late start on the campaign trail both played a role in his defeat.

7.  Democratic presidential hopefuls appearing at a party pageant last weekend in Florida declared they were ready to come out of hiding and play the role of loyal opposition.

8.  Democrats are still playing some role in regional issues, like keeping Bonneville Power Administration rates down in the Northwest.

9.  Demographics also play a role.

10.  Despite the hardball tactics, Gerstner sought to play the role of corporate gentleman at Monday's news conference.

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