1.  In a general word, men and women should not play distinct roles in life.

2.  To conclude, men and women should not play different role in life.

3.  So, men and women shouldn't play different roles in life.

4.  Men and women did not play the same role at that time neither in their families nor in public life.

5.  However, in some ways, the modern universities don't play a good role of the bridge to bind the society and the tower of ivory.

6.  Of course, we can't play all days with our lover.

7.  You may not play together.

8.  However, when it comes to boys, conversations do not play as an essential role in their communication as in girls'.

9.  Interdisciplinary work itself do not always plays a positive role in the improvement of study.

10.  Interdisciplinary work itself do not always plays a positive role in the improvement of study.

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