1.  The plant has increased its production sixfold.

2.  Energy from nuclear power plants is steadily increasing but the problem of dangerous waste limits growth in many regions.

3.  As you shop for oxygenators, floaters and flowers, consider bog plants to increase vertical, textural and colorful interest.

4.  Intel declined to say by how much the three plants would increase capacity.

5.  Additional tests still must be done before the plant can increase its output to full capacity, he added.

6.  It said the plant would increase production in the next year in anticipation of growing sales.

7.  State-owned plants could charge lower prices, and building new plants could increase supply and ease wholesale prices.

8.  The commission and Lockyer are investigating whether the plants then increased production to reap big profits.

9.  Greenpeace said its action was aimed at warning the new French government against allowing the Cogema plant to increase its activities.

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