1.  Despite Bradley's 18 years in the Senate, people don't see Bradley as a typical politician.

2.  Despite its acclaim, very few people have seen it.

3.  Despite such threats, more than 60,000 people saw the show during its initial three-month run.

4.  Despite such concerns, many people see herbal ecstacy as part of a growing trend in using legal herbs as drugs.

5.  Despite all of his reservations about the movie's accuracy, Hartley said, "I recommend people see "Crimson Tide."

6.  DAN DORFMAN: THE MAN WHO MOVES MARKETS (2,600 words) By SAUL HANSELL Some people see Dan Dorfman as a loose cannon.

7.  Do we really want a system where a few people can dictate what many people can see?

8.  Does it make people see a different side of the Catholic Church?

9.  Dole is laconic and has difficulty letting people see inside to his deeper emotions.

10.  Do people see me as an equal, or as an "affirmative action case"?

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