1.  Although it's all right to come back to visit children and grandchildren, the nonresident argument is weakened if people make a pattern of using two homes.

2.  As a defenseman, you want to read the play but you can make people make bad plays by forcing them in areas.

3.  Depressed older people make more medical visits, require more tests and stay longer in hospitals.

4.  Despite the initial spaghetti, most people were soon making acceptable roll casts.

5.  Do not let people make you cynical."

6.  Do you think most statistics are misrepresented on purpose or because people make honest mistakes?

7.  Each issue is used to argue that Bush allows people to make their own choices in life, while Gore would increase the power and scope of the government.

8.  Elsewhere, people make do with what they have.

9.  Encryption, or cryptology, is the science of designing code techniques so people can make information unreadable to all but the intended recipients.

10.  Dying without a will is the biggest but not the only blunder made by people who fail to organize their finances before succumbing to infirmity and death.

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