11.  A comparison with the position of young people at other stages in the post war period helps to put this in context.

12.  A consensus has long existed to make health insurance portable and to assure some coverage for people with existing health problems.

13.  A constant theme in research concerned with the hospital care of older people is the discharge from hospital back to the community.

14.  A consultative group on provision for deaf people and those with impaired hearing has also been established.

15.  A corner pub, the Norseman, had been packed with arty young people on the Saturday night.

16.  A cottage industry has even sprung up among companies that provide information about other people seeking information.

17.  A couple of local people helped us dig out the car, which was by now completely stuck in the mud.

18.  A couple of the Uberwald people were ambling along the corridor beyond, carrying something covered in a cloth.

19.  A critical task is to upgrade the skills of people in work.

20.  A crowd of people were outside hammering on the door angrily.

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