81.  As a result of that testing, Morris said, the company is starting to build pages that will perform better for high-bandwidth users.

82.  As a fax, the machine has 2 megabytes of memory that can store up to 150 pages.

83.  Detailed notes and an essay by the artist are part of the accompanying booklet, which runs to nearly 100 pages.

84.  Details of the allegations are contained in about 4,000 pages of documentation released Wednesday by the Licensing and Child Protective Services branches of DES.

85.  Digital's intital refusal to accept advertising on the site while Yahoo! was loading a banner advertisement on nearly every page didn't help much.

86.  Dirt-dishing is far more interesting to the average reader than endless pages of nattering about policy.

87.  Disadvantages: The layout of My Excite's personalized pages _ crammed with boxes, banners and fine print _ is busy and not always easy to follow.

88.  Discovery Online has chosen Rowe, third in the women's training team standings, as one of the athletes it will profile on an Olympics page.

89.  Dazed fans scan news pages and tune in to radio talk shows.

90.  De Kock's amnesty application consumes 4,000 pages and covers more than 120 "incidents" in which he was involved.

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