81.  We can as long as we put our minds into the unknown world.

82.  When we look at someone, there are always some prejudgments that come to our mind.

83.  During our conversation, he seldom made eye contact with me which seemed that he was not really interested in our topic at all and that really made me feel a little embarrassed.

84.  When we look at someone, there are always some prejudgments that come to our mind.

85.  During our conversation, he seldom made eye contact with me which seemed that he was not really interested in our topic at all and that really made me feel a little embarrassed.

86.  And we can see, in our university, boys accounted for the vast majority of the total number who learn science.

87.  Why is it hard for our girls?

88.  Learning is our own thing; good or bad achievement is depend on us.

89.  The first question that freshmen always ask usually is - what's the proportion of boys and girls in our major?

90.  So if you open the list of elective courses on our campus, you will find the number of students who choose the humanities surely beyond their needs, but science departments are often empty.

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