1.  A change of lender is the only solution.

2.  A computer is the only way he could weigh up the effect of the bus fare factor.

3.  A consumer is not the only person to whom information relates, but the consumer seeks more than personal information.

4.  A few living jawless fish are the only remnant of this ancient group, and they are highly specialized forms.

5.  A lot of people think that capitalism is the only system that works, but I disagree.

6.  A Negro was acceptable, even lovable, if he came out only when invited and at other times stayed back.

7.  A return to scriptural authority is the only answer.

8.  A rough gravel trail was the only way into town.

9.  A shocked demeanour and a couple of nettle stings to valiant rescuer Beverley were the only legacies.

10.  A stone chimney was the only thing left standing.

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