81.  A small neat iron bed with a shabby well-washed coverlet had one lumpy pillow and sheets which were hard to the touch.

82.  A small river cuts through the property with the house on one side and the gardens on the other.

83.  A standard computer would proceed one step at a time, while we approach the issue from many different angles at once.

84.  A study of these emendations reveals countless examples of the replacement of one stylistic variant by another.

85.  A tear gas canister fatally wounded one young demonstrator.

86.  A tin with one side cut out of it hung from a hook at the back.

87.  A tolerance of one millimetre means that the measurement has to be within one millimetre of what has been specified.

88.  A tour of Washington DC inspired one visitor to make some interesting observations about the gap between the rich and the poor.

89.  A tradition of exclusion, no less despicable for being time-honored, is one obvious reason.

90.  A trail of mouse tracks leads from one woodpile to the next by the cabin.

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