61.  Maybe some special or even exceptional cases make us form the stereotyping about something which has negative impacts on our world views and values, but it also inspires us to find and lessen the distance between the truth and our knowledge.

62.  Stereotypes are beliefs about people based on their membership in a particular group which based on region, gender, ethnicity and many other reasons.

63.  Students on campus are from different environments.

64.  Therefore, stereotypes are common on campus.

65.  When I put my hand on his forehead I knew he had a fever.

66.  He lay still in the bed and seemed very detached from what was going on.

67.  On that thermometer thirty-seven is normal.

68.  On this kind it's ninety-eight.

69.  Stereotyping On Campus\

70.  Sometimes, we even expected him to raise up hands to work out the question written on the blackboard, or to point out an ignored mistake made by the teacher.

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