1.  A change in administrations following this years presidential election could affect how aggressively federal officials pursue the case.

2.  A federal law enforcement official said prosecutions seldom are initiated unless the eavesdropper deliberately has used a monitored conversation for other purposes.

3.  A Health and Safety Executive official visited the school later.

4.  A high official would be likely to have one of jade, nephrite for the body and jadeite for the stopper.

5.  A high-level military official warned people not to pay attention to rumours about invasion.

6.  A high-ranking State Department official was accused of selling secret information.

7.  A hushed congress heard the official Declaration of war.

8.  A Junta official said recently that a dialogue is unnecessary as evidenced by improving foreign investments and relations.

9.  A Justice Department official said there was no record of any formal request by Wynn for a pardon.

10.  A landslide also blocked the Cedar River southeast of Seattle, he said, and officials were considering evacuating area residents.

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